The registration fee for both days of the course was $1500. One-day registrations were half of that rate. Registration was handled by Capital Meeting Planning, Inc., the company that assisted with ICCF-14. Their registration site for this course was at:
A two-step process was used for registration. People interested in the course, went to that site and provided their name, organization, position and email address. In most cases, they promptly promptly received an invitation to complete the registration by providing their mailing address and any additional preferences. Payments by credit card or check were possible. Registration was completed when payment is received. Questions about registration were handled by Mindy Stewart at 703-536-4992, or
The number of course participants was limited by the size of the room in which it was held, and to insure that there would be very good interactions between participants and instructors. We were particularly interested in having participants who are relatively or completely new to the field of LENR. However, people familiar with LENR were also welcome. Participation by people from industry, government and academia was anticipated and occurred. The expected diversity of participants, and the cadre of expert and opinionated instructors, enabled a very dynamic workshop. For a summary of the workshop, please see: