The instructors for the course in 2011 were seven internationally known scientists and engineers, who have been active contributors to the LENR field for all or much of its history. They are listed in the order they appeared in the course.
David J. Nagel, PhD, is a Research Professor at The George Washington University and CEO of NUCAT Energy LLC. He has contributed to this field as a scientist and manager since its origins in 1989. Dave participated in all 16 of the International Conferences on Cold Fusion (ICCF), and chaired ICCF-14. His primary activity has been and remains writing technical articles on LENR.
Michael E. Melich, PhD, has been a Research Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School since 1985 and focuses on potential technology breakthroughs of great importance to national defense. From the 1989 Fleischmann-Pons announcement, Mike has done research and published papers on LENR. He has attended all 16 of the ICCF and co-chaired ICCF-14.
Michael C.H. McKubre, PhD, is Director of the Energy Research Center at SRI International. He has been active in this field as an experimentalist since 1989. Mike researched the palladium deuterium system from 1978. He presented at all 16 of the International Conferences on Cold Fusion, and was co-chairman of ICCF-4. His primary expertise includes electrochemical kinetics, metal-hydrogen systems and calorimetry.
David A. Kidwell, PhD, has been a Research Scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC since 1982. His expertise is in trace analysis by mass spectrometry, and instrument and software design. David has been active in this field since 2005, first working on detection of transmutation products (not conclusively found), and later developing gas loading systems using nano- and sub-nanometer particles of palladium on various supports.
Kenneth S. Grabowski, PhD, is a Research Physicist in the Naval Research Laboratory. He was educated in Nuclear Engineering, and has followed and contributed to the study of LENR since 1989. Ken has monitored numerous LENR experiments to measure nuclear reaction by-products, and has participated in rigorous measurements of excess heat from gas loading and electrochemical experiments.
Ashraf Imam, DSc, FASM, is a Research Metallurgist at Naval Research Laboratory and Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University. He has over 200 publications in a variety of refereed journals. They are a clear testimony forAshraf as a researcher and teacher in the area of Materials Science and Engineering. He has been involved in materials related issues in LENR since its origins in 1989, and holds two U. S. patents on materials for LENR.
Peter L. Hagelstein, PhD, an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, is an applied physicist. Peter has worked on anomalies associated with the Fleischmann-Pons experiments since 1989. The focus of his research in the field has been to understand the new LENR physical mechanisms. Peter was Chairman of ICCF-10 in 2003.