Short Course: What, When, Where and Why

Overview of Course

The initial commercial short course was offered by NUCAT Energy LLC on the 3rd and 4th of October 2011 at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Crystal City Virginia, very near the Washington DC Reagan National Airport.

The title of the course was “Perspectives on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions”.  The agenda, list of instructors, costs and registration information, and hotel and travel information are available on this site.

It is tentatively planned to offer an up-dated version of this short course in late 2012 or early 2013, again in the Washington DC region.   For further information, please write to


LENR now seems to be turning a corner from being “only” a field of science to becoming a commercial reality. As a result of this historic transition, many people are gaining interest in the field.  During this course, recognized experts  provided current key information on the background, status and prospects of LENR in a cost effective manner. Alternative approaches to learning about LENR are to (a) personally grapple with the immense literature on the subject, or (b) find and talk to experts in the field, or (c) hire consultants.  This course offered up-to-date information in carefully structured lectures by internationally-recognized leaders in the field, and through discussions between course participants and the instructors.   The course provided a good opportunity for networking in addition to its basic function of information exchange.

A summary of the first course is at:


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